Foot And Ankle Arthritis

Foot Specialists of Austin, Cedar Park, and Georgetown
Podiatrists located in Georgetown, TX
Dr. Wayne Hurst serves the Austin area out of Foot Specialists of Austin, Cedar Park, and Georgetown. He's board certified and has a medical degree from the Dr. W.M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine. He's a reputable podiatrist who provides various treatments for arthritis of the foot and ankle.
Foot and Ankle Arthritis Q & A
What Is Arthritis?
The term " arthritis" refers to inflammation of the joints. Sometimes, the location of arthritis remains in one part of the body. This type tends to stem from wear and tear of that particular joint. Other times, arthritis spreads to many joints in the body if it's rheumatoid arthritis. Several varieties of arthritis exist including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. All arthritis types advance and worsen over time, but rheumatoid is the most likely to cripple a person.
What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis?
Arthritis mainly causes pain and inflammation. The person may experience stiffness, especially in the morning after he or she wakes up. As the condition progresses, the pain and inflammation tend to worsen. The deterioration may damage both the joint and the bone surrounding the joint. Arthritis may damage the foot or ankle.
How Is It Diagnosed?
The first step is the examination. The doctor will evaluate the extent of the pain and swelling through a visual analysis and by gathering information from the patient. Imaging helps to determine the extent of the damage. The doctor may request the patient has blood work done.
How Does Dr. Hurst Treat Arthritis?
The doctor treats arthritis through various methods. For instance, a pain reliever, in particular, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), may relieve the pain and take away the swelling. The doctor prescribes narcotic pain relievers to patients who experience more severe pain. However, any pain reliever doesn't actually treat the problem. It only makes it more comfortable for the patient. It won't reverse any of the damage or prevent any further damage to the joint from occurring. The doctor may give corticosteroid injections to the patient in order to reduce the swelling. Those who have rheumatoid arthritis, which originates from the immune system attacking the joints, may benefit from an immunosuppressant like Humira. They have the potential to slow down or stop the progression of the condition. In more severe cases where the entire joint or surrounding area has damage, the patient may require surgery to remove the loose tissue and bone spurs. Dr. Hurst may fuse the bone and joint together completely. A total ankle replacement is another possible option.